Hazardous waste is waste that poses a threat or risk to public health, safety and/or the environment. This includes batteries and waste generated in laboratories and some research or teaching activities also referred to as prescribed industrial waste. Our disposal processes and policies ensure hazardous materials can be safely collected and where possible recovered, while protecting the environment and human health.
Monash University’s landscapes and Indigenous flora, with an estimated value of more than $100 million, are designated by the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects as being nationally significant. They’re critically important to the University’s campus amenity and identity. Embedded in the campus masterplans is a commitment to sustain a rich biodiversity on each campus, acknowledging local contexts. The masterplans for each Victorian campus include clear deliverables and metrics for the infrastructure and landscape development to achieve University aspirations, including sustainability goals.
Monash University has committed to eliminate single-use retail plastics across all its Australian campuses by 2023. Our Ditch Disposables campaign was launched in 2019, encouraging customers to bring their own cup or container, dine in, or borrow reusable containers as a way to reduce disposables. Monash also trialled waste-free dining at new food retail outlets, providing reusable crockery and cutlery, accepting clean customer containers, and using only compostable takeaway packaging.