Leadership for the SDGs

Leadership for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Harnessing the UN SDGs framework as a tool for advancing global and local action on sustainable development.

MSDI provided input to help the United Nations shape the SDGs back in 2013, and has since developed significant expertise and reputation as a regional and global leader in mobilising SDG implementation.

This includes as host of SDSN Australia, New Zealand and Pacific, the regional hub of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a global network of universities and knowledge institutions committed to the achievement of the SDGs.

Our approach

We draw on MSDI’s expertise in sustainable development research, education and policy, as well as extensive networks and partnerships, to deepen, strengthen and amplify action on the SDGs.

Our approach encompasses three key elements:

  • Research and thought leadership

    We undertake agenda-setting research and provide big picture thinking on what role the SDGs can play in accelerating sustainable development transformations.

  • Supporting action for the SDGs

    We develop tools, resources and guides, and build capacity, to support SDG policy and action by different levels of society and different societal actors.

  • Convening and network building

    We bring together stakeholders from academia, government, private sector and civil society to share expertise and amplify advocacy on the SDGs.

Areas of focus and recent initiatives


Our team

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