Micromon Genomics offers a number of Sanger sequencing format and pricing options to suit all requirements:
- Standard casual rate – Tube format
- Express service – Plate format
- Monash University
- Academic – university, research institution or school
- Industry
- High-throughput agreements
A price quote is provided in iLab when you complete details for a sequencing request, and prior to submitting the request. Alternatively, please contact the Micromon Genomics manager, Scott Coutts, to arrange a quote and to discuss and negotiate any of these options and how they might apply to your project requirements.
It is an important consideration, when choosing a service provider, to note that Micromon Genomics uses a 1/8 dilution of the Applied Biosystems BigDye Terminator Reagent. Greater dilutions of this key reagent, as used by cheaper service providers, may lead to decreased quality, shorter reads or failure if your template DNA is marginal.
All pricing options include our highly-reputed customer support and troubleshooting provided by our well known and friendly staff.
Additional options are available on request which include enhanced sequence analysis using the PeakTrace basecaller, and specialised, custom cycle sequencing protocols for difficult templates and templates with complex secondary structure.