City-wide bicycling exposure
modelling study
City-wide bicycling exposure
modelling study
Our mission
The CYCLED (CitY-wide biCycLing Exposure modelling) Study aims to develop a world-leading platform for city-wide modelling of cycling exposure. This will provide unparalleled insights into cycling exposure by combining multiple cycling data sources through the use of advanced spatial statistical and machine learning techniques. Overall, we anticipate the use of these data will result in improved safety for cyclists, lower injury rates, increased cycling participation and reduced inequities.
The project is led by the Sustainable Mobility and Safety Research Group at Monash University.
Project overview
Cycling has numerous health, environmental and social benefits, through factors such as reduced traffic congestion and air pollution, and by promoting an active lifestyle which in turn improves population health.
How safe someone feels when riding a bicycle is the major barrier to increased cycling participation. Therefore, providing protected cycling infrastructure (such as bicycle lanes that are physically separated from traffic) has the power to increase the number of people who ride bikes. However, there is a complete absence of detailed data related to where and when people cycle.
In this project, we propose to develop a platform that will enable us to model the number of cyclists on each road in a city. This will enable us to address significant knowledge gaps in cycling safety, identify areas in which we need enhanced cycling infrastructure and enable us to evaluate the effectiveness of existing infrastructure. Overall, we anticipate the use of these data will lead to increased cycling participation, enhanced safety, and improved infrastructure planning, thereby resulting in substantial gains in population and environmental health.
The CYCLED (CitY-wide biCycLing Exposure modelling) Study is led by Dr Ben Beck and is funded by an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project (DP210102089).
This project has ethical approval from the Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (Project ID: 29848)
Do you want to get involved?
Prizes will be drawn in August 2022 and study results will be available in 2023.
Thank you to all of our participants for contributing to this study.
Meet the team
Head of Sustainable Mobility and Safety Research, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Victoria, Australia
Director, City Futures Research Centre, Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Senior Lecturer and Head of CityX Research Lab, Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI), School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Senior Lecturer, City Futures Research Centre, Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Research Fellow, Transport, Health and Urban Design (THUD), Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada
Department of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, United States
Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada
Director, Transport, Health and Urban Design (THUD), and Professor of Urban Transport and Public Health, Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Senior Research Fellow, Transport, Health and Urban Design (THUD), Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Deputy Head of Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Monash University, Victoria, Australia
Research Fellow, Sustainable Mobility and Safety Research Group, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Victoria, Australia
Research Assistant, Sustainable Mobility and Safety Research Group, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Victoria, Australia
If you have any questions, please email our team at: