Koneksi - Climate change resilience
Koneksi Project: Developing a Model of Future-proofing for Climate Resilience by Engaging Communities (MoFCREC)
Eastern Indonesia is a priority area for climate change intervention due to risks of extreme climate-related natural disasters; and Lombok, Makassar and Sumbawa are at high risk of experiencing increased extreme rainfall events such as flooding and drought. Rainfall changes have numerous associated knock-on impacts for vulnerable communities. This project will bring together an interdisciplinary team to develop a scalable Climate Change Resilience Toolkit.
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Climate change effects are unevenly distributed throughout communities based on socio-structural factors. Exposure to the effects of both heat and flooding increases the likelihood of illness and care-related responsibilities, reduces access to clean water and high-quality foods, and influences the type and availability of work among already marginalised groups. The three groups identified as the most vulnerable to climate change - who will be the focus of this project - are people with disabilities, women (including all who identify as women) and older people.
This project, jointly led by Assoc Professors Sharyn Davies and Ika Idris, will establish an interdisciplinary team to identify knowledge-based climate change resilience solutions for inclusive and sustainable policies and technologies. Deep and enduring relationships will underpin the research, and will direct and inform the outcomes of the project.
A co-designed model to understanding gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) and climate resilience will be developed by exploring local understandings of, and capacity around, strengthening climate resilience, with a focus on health, wellbeing, and future-proofing communities and environments.
Through collaboration with a range of stakeholders and communities in Indonesia and Australia, the project seeks to equip policy and change-makers with tools to enhance their understandings of GEDSI, resilience and climate change through a human rights lens to identify and understand opportunities for intervention.
The project aims to grow early skills and capacity of early career researchers and Indonesian Postdocs to drive innovative research agendas on climate resilience in Indonesia along with the establishment of a collaborative interdisciplinary research team to address climate resilience in Indonesia and Australia. Outputs will be co-designed with a view to scalability and applicability to other parts of Indonesia.
A resource tool kit and the Model of Future-proofing for Climate Resilience by Engaging Communities (MoFCREC) will be developed to support climate resilience and future-proofing environments for vulnerable communities. The team will convene workshops to identify key priorities and set a locally-informed research agenda, and later in the project to disseminate preliminary findings and identify key community messages.
The outcomes will be shared via International conference presentations, peer-reviewed academic articles and accessible reports, along with public communication material, government briefs and a strategic action plan for future work on GEDSI and climate resilience.
Through the establishment of an enduring interdisciplinary, innovative research network, to include policy makers, academics and practitioners, communities and local groups, a joint agenda for strengthening climate resilience opportunities and solutions will be developed and made widely available.
This project will provide capacity-building opportunities for early career scholars and other future thought leaders in the area of climate change and community resilience. Development of reports and policy briefs will also equip policy and change-makers with understandings of GEDSI, resilience and climate change.
The Model of Future-proofing for Climate Resilience by Engaging Communities (MoFCREC) project, which was one of 30 projects selected from a field of over 700 applications, is already underway and is funded for 12 months.
Monash University, Australia; and Monash University, Indonesia
Hasanuddin University (Indonesia)
The South Sulawesi Women’s Legal Aid Institute (Indonesia)
The Indonesian Disability Movement for Equality (Indonesia)
Pergerakan Difabel Indonesia untuk Kesetaraan
Indonesian Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (Indonesia)
DP3AP2KB of Nusa Tenggara Barat Province (Indonesia)
Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Nusa Tenggara Barat Province (Indonesia)
Garaman (Indonesia)
Australia-Indonesia Centre (Australia)
ReelOzInd (Australia)
360Info (Australia)
External Advisor
The National Commission on Violence Against Women
Komnas Perempuan