Transforming Australia

Tracking Australia's progress of the Sustainable Development Goals

Transforming Australia provides an independent, evidence-based assessment of Australia’s progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are essential for Australia’s future, helping us address critical challenges such as cost-of-living pressures, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, and sustainable growth, promoting a resilient, inclusive future for all Australians.

How is Australia faring? What do we need to change? How much do we need to invest?

Our research assesses Australia’s progress against SDG targets, analyses key trends, and explores the pathways needed to achieve the SDGs by 2030 and 2050. It provides more than just a snapshot of current progress – it offers a roadmap for achieving the SDGs, measuring the drivers of social and environmental well-being and sets clear targets and strategies to chart the way forward.

This 2024 iteration of the Transforming Australia report builds on earlier reports in 2018 and 2020 to provide a detailed assessment of Australia’s current progress towards the SDGs as well as modelling of future opportunities to accelerate progress by 2030.

Downloadable Transforming Australia SDG Progress Report 2024 coming soon.


Join our Transforming Australia report launch

We are delighted to release the latest Transforming Australia report on Australia’s progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Thursday 13 February 2025
National Press Club of Australia, Canberra

Register here

Explore data by Sustainable Development Goal

Facts and figures

  • Modelling projections

    Future opportunities for Australia to accelerate progress and six key transformations with the greatest potential to achieve the SDGs.

  • Report and media release

    Coming soon

  • Methodology

    Method for assessing progress and selecting indicators and target values.

    Find out more

Previous reports

Further information