About us


To be the premier Department of Psychiatry at an Australian University, excelling both internationally and nationally in excellence of research, education, clinical care and community leadership for mental health.


  • To deliver outstanding research scholarship across its subspecialties of adult, aged, child and adolescent, youth, drug and alcohol, consultation-liaison, forensic, and social and community psychiatry;
  • To translate that research into excellent clinical care in our mental health services, generating fundamental change in the quality of care delivered and the global outcomes achieved for our patients;
  • To educate and mentor the next generation of doctors and psychiatrists, including development of a key proportion into academic psychiatrists;
  • To lead key master and doctoral degree programs for higher degree students and sustain mentoring through post-doctoral programs that mature our academics for the future;
  • To sustain a stellar undergraduate program in psychiatry for our MBBS students striving to become the physicians of the future;
  • To support our clinical colleagues in their academic and clinical growth, including the disciplines of clinical psychology, mental health nursing, social work and other allied health disciplines.