National Centre for Healthy Ageing home

The National Centre for Healthy Ageing is Australia’s
leading healthy ageing research centre.

  • Driving innovation

    We drive innovation and develop solutions to tackle the most pressing challenges affecting healthy ageing across the wider community, in hospitals and in residential aged care.

  • Co-designing solutions

    With a focus on at-risk communities, we are bringing people with lived experience together with world-class researchers to co-design solutions that work.



Reimagine the future of healthy ageing with NCHA

Our research addresses some of the greatest challenges facing our ageing population by collaborating with partners and the world's best researchers to optimise a person's health and improve their access to health and social care.

Find out more about NCHA through this video.


Translating great ideas into practice

Strong collaboration lies at the heart of the National Centre for Healthy Ageing’s research impact. It is inspiring to see the close connections and partnerships forged among our researchers and community, translating great ideas into practice.

Professor Velandai Srikanth, NCHA Director


Explore our impact here

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Facts and figures

No other centre for healthy ageing has our unique combination of talent, research programs and technology enabled platforms – all designed with blue sky thinking to future proof efforts in healthy ageing research.

  • 25+ major research projects underway

  • >250 research members & affiliates

  • 120 national & international collaborators


We invest in major research projects through our Living Labs research program,
working across four key themes


Our projects are enabled by innovative platforms and extensive networks



Healthy ageing news

410 Gone

410 Gone



Connect with our foundation partners Monash University and Peninsula Health
