National Aged Care Research Network

About the network
Developed in partnership with aged care partners and stakeholders, the National Aged Care Research Network (NACReN), brings together expert researchers, aged care providers, employees, consumer representatives, advocates and peak body representatives from within the sector.
We provide two-way engagement between researchers and people involved in the residential aged care sector, looking to the sector for input into quality improvement gaps and research priorities.
The network aims to inform the next generation of aged care research, co-designed with industry to deliver real-world solutions to address some of the greatest challenges facing our ageing communities.
Network membership
Memberships are open to anyone involved in residential aged care.
If you are a resident, family, or carer of a current or former resident, provider, nurse, personal care assistant/worker, allied health professional, lifestyle worker, general practitioner, administrative and support staff, funder, policy maker, or interested in aged care research, you can become a member of the network .
Download our membership flyer here.
NACReN members will receive a range of benefits tailored to meet their specific needs and goals:
As an aged care provider or worker
- Access practice-ready research, training opportunities and networking events through our quarterly newsletter
- Link with research opportunities aligned to you or your organisation’s research priorities
- Participate in research and demonstrate your commitment to continuous improvement in aged care.
As a resident, family, or carer
- Have a say in how research is conducted in residential aged care
- Participate in research opportunities that matter to you
- Receive quarterly electronic newsletters tailored to your research interests and priorities
- Link with researchers passionate about improving the quality and safety of aged care.
As a researcher
- Access expert advice about working with the aged care sector
- Link to suitable research-ready residential aged care providers, facilities, consumers and their family or carers to support your project
- Use this platform to disseminate your research for real-world impact, and through the RACReN newsletter promote webinars and training to members.
How we're working with aged care
Our National Aged Care Research Network connects those who live, work and care about residential aged care with researchers to innovate and deliver real-world solutions.
A snapshot of some projects we are supporting to help solve complex issues facing the sector can be downloaded here.
Our projects
Evaluation of a good research network
Research we are supporting
- Optimising health information exchange during aged care transfers
- Addressing linguistic discordance in residential aged care
- A-PRECISE: Implementing consumer and workforce empowerment and engagement strategies to enhance safety and quality by building capacity to prevent and manage infections in residential aged care homes
- Developing a new quality of life questionnaire for informal carers of people living with dementia
- ReimaGINing post-fall managEment in nUrsing homeS (GINEUS)
- Building Health Professional Student Contribution and Capability in Aged Care through Co-Designed Programs
- Opening the black box - a digital library of consultations across the healthcare continuum
Contact us
Mariah Valdehueza
NACReN Project Officer
P: 03 9904 4822