Transport safety
The Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) was established in 1987 and is Australia's largest and most respected transport safety research centre. Our research, consultancy and training include safety across all modes of transport.
Since our founding we have developed research-based solutions that have led directly to making Australians safer - and have made us an acknowledged leader in the field. We are committed to the excellence of our research, the independence of our recommendations and the engagement we have with the communities we serve.
We have many clients both national and international, and have forged long-term relationships with a number of key stakeholders including VicRoads, the Transport Accident Commission, the Department of Justice, and Victoria Police.
Research themes
Our work is conducted across the following priority areas:

Behavioural Safety Science
The research activity of the Behavioural Safety Science team focuses on understanding and managing human behaviour to meet the challenge of preventing injury and improving safety. Research priorities are aimed at those at increased risk of serious injury including seniors, youth and children who use the roads as drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, motor cyclists and vehicle occupants.

Human Factors and Sustainable Safety
The Human Factors and Sustainable Safety team addresses the human factors aspect of injury prevention. Research is focused on long-term solutions that are embedded in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

Injury Analysis and Data
The Injury Analysis and Data team have specialist training in the fields of numerical and behavioural sciences, public health and engineering, and are skilled in the collection, management, analysis and presentation of incident and injury data to produce real-world benefits.

Regulation and In-Depth Crash Investigation
The Regulation and In-Depth Crash Investigation team seeks to understand factors associated with crash occurrence and injury severity. By identifying ways to eliminate crashes and ameliorate injury, the team supports regulatory reform and decision-making at state, national and global levels.

Traffic Engineering and Vehicle Safety (TEVS)
The TEVS team focuses on work related to the development and evaluation of safe road infrastructure particularly research around intersection design, roadside barriers and vehicle safety.