Monash Institute of Railway Technology (IRT) is the premier track and vehicle railway research centre in Australia, and enjoys an international reputation for excellence in railway research.
About us
Monash IRT is the premier track and vehicle railway research centre in Australia.
Monash IRT consists of a group of highly skilled engineers, scientists and technicians that cover a wide range of mechanical, civil, electrical, metallurgical and general science disciplines.
Broader capabilities
The Institute’s Rail Research Associates from Monash University’s academic staff, in conjunction with post-graduate researchers, enhance IRT’s broader industry-focussed capabilities.
Quick snapshot of Monash IRT's success stories since 2000
Monash IRT has successfully completed more than 500 projects both nationally and internationally.
Monash IRT has worked with over 160 railway entities globally.
Highlights and events
Click here to know more about Monash IRT's recent highlights and past events
Click here to download Monash IRT's brochure
Contact us
Phone: +61 3 9905 1880
Fax: +61 3 9905 1972
Email: irt.enquiries@monash.edu
Postal Address:
Room G33, Building 31,
17 College Walk,
Monash University, Clayton Campus,
Victoria 3800, Australia.