Research process
Each step of your research project, from identifying a research question, setting up the methodology, collecting and analysing data online and finally writing up your thesis, is outlined in the following sections.
Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought. - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
1. Identify an area of interest
The first step in the research process is choosing an area of interest and a specific research topic.
2. Investigate your research topic
Then it is time to delve deeper into your research area to settle on the specifics.
3. Ethics - obtaining ethical clearance
You then must ensure you get ethical clearance for your study.
4. Select measures - general guidelines
The next step is to identify the variables that you intend to measure and select the assessment tools you will use to collect your data.
5. Select participants
After developing your research study, it is time to start collecting data
6. Collect and manage data
Collecting data involves gathering the information obtained from your measures to help test your research question.
7. Analyse data
After collecting your data, it is time to start analysing it to find the answers to your research question.
8. Write a report
Then it is finally time to present your findings!