Citing and referencing
Citing and referencing material used in your assignment or thesis enable others to verify facts and ideas in your work more easily, and shows you're acting in an ethical manner. Acknowledgements may be in the form of in-text citations, footnotes, endnotes and/or a bibliography.
Choose one of the style guides below to help you cite and reference correctly. Contact your lecturer if you're unsure about which style to use for your subject.
Chicago 17th (B) Author-Date
Based on the Chicago Manual of Style, using the author-date system, also known as 'Chicago B'
Chicago 18th (A) Notes
The 2024 edition, based on the Chicago Manual of Style, using the notes and bibliography system, also known as 'Chicago A'
Chicago 18th (B) Author-Date
The 2024 edition, based on the Chicago Manual of Style, using the author-date system, also known as 'Chicago B'