Monash End-to-End Rural Cohort

Are you passionate about improving health outcomes for rural communities, or curious about exploring a regional medical career? Being part of the End-to-End Rural Cohort allows you to complete the majority of your medical degree in regional Victoria, in the state's north west.

What is the Monash End-to-End Rural Cohort?

The Monash End-to-End Rural Cohort is a group of domestic graduate entry students within the Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (MD). These students complete clinical placements in the Loddon Mallee region, including Bendigo, Mildura and Swan Hill.

Each year 30 of the approximately 73 places within the graduate entry MD are set aside for students undertaking the Monash End-to-End Rural Cohort.


It’s the same Monash medical degree, but in a different location.

As an End-to-End student, you will complete the Monash graduate entry MD curriculum in rural and regional Victoria.

You will gain invaluable skills in clinical decision-making, patient safety, as well as enhanced research and professional practice skills to improve the health of our communities.

Students undertaking End-to-End rural training have unparalleled access to hands-on clinical skills training with clinicians and experienced educators, and they enjoy a great lifestyle, too.

Year levels

Your first year (Year A) will be at Monash Rural Health Churchill in Gippsland.

The next two and a half years of your three years of clinical training are completed in rural and regional hospitals and community-based practices. These are in rural north-west Victoria's Loddon Mallee region, and you are expected to complete placements in both Mildura and Bendigo across Years 3B to 5D

During your final clinical training year, which involves a series of six-week placements, you can choose to undertake 18 weeks in metropolitan hospitals.

Explore each year of the End-to-End Rural Cohort, along with stories from some of our students below:


To be considered for a place in this program, you must be an Australian domestic student.

You must also be currently studying or have completed one of the following degrees through Monash University with a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of 70 or above in:


Application process

Apply online

Admission procedures, deadlines and requirements are the same for all domestic students applying for a place in the graduate entry MD. Apply here.

Select your preference for the End-to-End Rural Cohort

Choosing the End-to-End Rural Cohort is a two-step process.

  1. Submit your application for a place in the graduate entry MD by 31 July 2024.
  2. Shortly after the closing date, the Faculty's admissions team will email all applicants with information about how to provide their course preferences. This is your chance to say you'd like to take part. All applicants will be required to provide their course preferences by 15 August 2024.

Dean’s Rural List

If you grew up in a regional area, you could be eligible for the Dean’s Rural List, which can help boost your chances of getting an interview for entry into medicine. The same follow-up email will give you details about applying for the Dean's Rural List if you meet this criteria.

Check the key dates on the MD website for more information about this process.


Contact us

If you have questions about the Monash End-to-End Rural Cohort, please contact the Monash Rural Health education team at

The Monash End-to-End Rural Cohort is funded by the Australian Government under the Murray-Darling Medical Schools Network.