Mandatory compliance

Students undertaking a Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences course with clinical or fieldwork placements must demonstrate compliance with immunisations, Police Check(s) and a Working with Children Check.  All students must also complete a Student Acknowledgement/Undertaking Form at the commencement of their course.

These documents are to be uploaded to InPlace within the timelines provided so they can be verified by staff prior to any placements. You will not be able to attend any placements as a Monash student until all documents have been verified. For instructions on how to upload mandatory requirements, please refer to the Quick Reference Card on uploading evidence.

Note: all Australian states and territories have specific mandatory compliance requirements.  Students are expected to comply prior to acceptance on clinical or fieldwork placements.  Students participating in exclusively interstate placements must meet the placement requirements specific to those states.

Compliance with the necessary checks and immunisation is part of being a health professional and ensures public safety as well as protecting yourself.

Students should ensure they read through the Student Placement Guide.


Reasons for Immunisation

Police and Working with Children Checks

Your School will advise you of the process for police and working with children checks.

  • Australian Police checks – Are completed every 3 years (some agencies and placements require an annual check - including Paramedicine and Human Services placements).  For more information visit the Police Checks website.
  • Working with Children Checks- Are completed every 5 years.  For more information visit the Working with Children Checks website.

Overseas Criminal History Check

Students are required (in addition to the Australian police check) to provide their School with evidence of an International criminal history check if they have, after the age of 16:

  • Been a citizen or permanent resident of any country other than Australia; or
  • Resided continuously in any single country other than Australia for 12 months or more.

How long does it take to complete all the immunisation requirements?

Students are advised to commence their immunisations as soon as possible as it can take a few months to complete all the requirements. It also depends on what immunisations you have already completed. Before you start at Monash make sure that you locate your current immunisation records.





Monash University Immunisation Record Form

Student to review requirements & complete vaccinations

Flu vaccination

Flu Immunisation Record Form
(You are not required to include Form 2 if the evidence provided is an Australian Government Immunisation History Statement)

Student to complete annually
(to be taken at least 2 weeks apart from the COVID-19 vaccination)

Student Checklist

Student Compliance ChecklistChecklist for Immunisation, Police, Working with Children & NDIS checks.

*COVID-19 updates are available on the University Coronavirus updates website and information regarding Mask Fit Testing can be found on the Faculty Clinical Placements information website.

Students are encouraged to attend either the University Health Services or Monash Infection Assessment Clinic to review and update their immunisation requirements.

These two services understand the immunisation requirements for students and can provide assistance should students need to speak with an immunisation specialist.

Students can attend their own GP, however will need to advise their GP that all immunisation requirements as listed on the form are required. If immunisation documentation is incomplete or incorrect, student clinical placements could be delayed or cancelled which means that students will be unable to meet the clinical of fieldwork requirements of the course.

Students will be provided with further immunisation information by their School. This information is to assist students in understanding the process.

Additional Mandatory Compliance Requirements

Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine

As a healthcare student, you will be required to wear PPE to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 on clinical placements.

Bachelor of Paramedicine

Students must undertake a prescribed medical and fitness assessment with an agency appointed by Ambulance Victoria early in semester 1 of their course.

Bachelor of Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours) &
Master of Radiation Therapy

Students must complete a Provide First Aid course before attending clinical placements.

NDIS Worker Screening Check

A number of placements now require students to get a National Disability Insurance Scheme Worker Screening Check (NDIS check).  The NDIS check is a way to ensure that people who work with NDIS participants do not present an unacceptable risk to them.  Your School/Department will advise you if this check is required for your placement.

Respirator Mask Fit Test

Some placements require students to undertake a respirator mask fit test prior to attending placement.  Your School/Department will advise you if this check is required for your placement.  More information regarding mask fitting is available on the Victorian government website.

What will it cost and who pays for it?

There are some costs associated with the checks and immunisation which are the responsibility of the student to pay.

Costs will differ between doctor services and the immunisation involved.


Estimated Costs

National (Australian) Police Check

$29.90 Aus

International Criminal History Check


Working with Children Check



Variable depending on country of origin

First Aid (Radiography and Medical Imaging)$195 to $220
Medical and Fitness Assessment (Paramedicine)$560
NDIS Check$120

When are the compliance documents due?

Your School will provide you with due dates for documents. You must complete the documents and upload them to InPlace so they can be verified by staff prior to any placements. You will not be able to attend any placements as a Monash student until all documents have been verified.

Who can I contact if I have questions at this stage?

Contact Monash Connect if you have any questions prior to enrolment or after you commence your studies.