Ivan Yotzov

Inca Hide-Wright

What motivated you to work with the Monash Warwick Alliance?

The Monash-Warwick Alliance provided a perfect way to organise the Applied Young Economist Webinar (AYEW) series in April 2020. We were aiming to create a platform where young researchers (PhD and Post-Doctoral students) from across the world could present their work and receive feedback. Having a European/US East coast edition hosted by the University of Warwick and an Australasian/US West coast edition hosted by Monash University allowed us to cover practically all time zones and reach a global audience.

What are your top three collaboration achievements so far?

The first big achievement was the AYEW Job Market Candidates Roundtable which we hosted on 8 December 2020. We invited three speakers – Dr. Ludovica Gazze (Warwick), Dr. Weijia Li (Monash), and Prof. Sascha Becker (Warwick & Monash) to share their advice and tips for job market candidates heading into the hiring season. This was followed by a Q&A session where people in the (virtual) audience could ask questions for the speakers. The event was very popular – we had over 100 people in attendance from all over the world. Second, organizing the AYEW Job Market Candidates Vlog in 2021 was a big achievement for us. We invited job market candidates to submit five-minute videos of their job market papers. We uploaded these videos to the AYEW website and promoted them through social media. Last, but not least, reaching 100 webinars in December 2021 with the end of Season 3 of AYEW was an incredible milestone and a testament to the successful collaboration between Monash and Warwick universities.

What do you hope to ultimately achieve through your collaboration?

I really hope that the Applied Young Economist Webinar will continue to exist long after the pandemic is behind us. I hope it will continue to provide a platform for high-quality research by young economists to be shared in a friendly environment with participants from all over the world.

Can you share one fun fact about yourself or your work?

In my free time, I enjoy playing tennis and I also play the alto saxophone.

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