COVID-19 updates

COVID-19 updates

It is the University’s expectation that only those who are well and not presenting with respiratory or COVID-19 symptoms attend a Monash campus or location.

Last updated 18 Jun 2024 11:08am

Before you come to campus

Click here for the latest requirements you need to know before you visit our campuses or locations.

View our Respiratory (including COVID) Safe Plan (updated February 2024)

Your health, safety and wellbeing

  • It is the University’s expectation that only those who are well and not presenting with Respiratory or COVID-19 symptoms attend a Monash campus or location.
  • Monash’s View our Respiratory (including COVID) Safe Plan details the strategies in place to protect our staff, students and visitors as we return to campus. If you have any ongoing feedback, please email
  • It is the combination of these strategies, and their application to the diverse range of spaces and activities the University undertakes, that ensures our health, safety and wellbeing. For more information, please refer to ‘Health advice and safety measures’.
  • However mild, get tested if you have any of the following symptoms – fever, chills or sweats, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of sense of taste or smell. For information about testing, visit the Department of Health's website.

Last updated 18 Jun 2024 11:08am

Testing positive to COVID-19 or unwell with a respiratory illness

It is the University’s expectation that only those who are well and COVID-19 negative attend a Monash campus or location.

As per Victorian Government advice, it is recommended that if you test positive to COVID-19 (even if you are asymptomatic), you:

  • Isolate immediately for five days.
  • You should only return to a Monash University campus or location after the recommended isolation period is completed and you are no longer symptomatic.
  • If you are at a Monash site and have any symptoms of COVID-19 it is recommended you put on a mask, go home and take a RAT test. Masks should be available via the local areas First Aid Kits at Monash sites
  • There are no longer any Monash self reporting requirements or forms you need to complete.
  • Notify your contacts. Notification to all ‘social’ and ‘workplace’ contacts is the responsibility of the individual who has tested positive for COVID-19.
  • Follow the Department of Health’s checklist for COVID cases.
  • If you live at Monash Residential Colleges, notify a member of your Residential Support Team or an MRS staff member.

If you have respiratory symptoms but test negative for COVID, you should regularly check for COVID-19. If you remain COVID-19 negative. you can return to campus when your symptoms of a respiratory illness have resolved.

Resources available for anyone  who are unwell with COVID or a respiratory illness or who has tested positive to help manage COVID-19 at home. View more information, including a checklist to assist you, here.

Staff and students are encouraged to have a regular GP. If staff and students are unwell with respiratory or COVID-19 symptoms, they are encouraged to:

  • seek medical support if with their GP or the University Health Service (Triage nurse on P: 03 9905 3175)
  • take a rapid antigen test for COVID-19 and, if positive and eligible obtain antivirals, and review Monash advice.

If staff, students or their families require urgent but not emergency care, Priority Primary Care Centres are available seven days a week and provide cost-free care for those with and without a Medicare card and Healthdirect (Nurse on Call) provides a non-urgent health advice line 24 hours a day on P: 1800 022 222.

COVID-19 contacts

COVID-19 can take time to develop, so you should monitor for symptoms for at least 7 days after your last contact with the person who has COVID-19.

A close contact should regularly test for at least 7 days following their last contact with the person who has COVID-19 or if any symptoms develop.

You may attend a Monash location, but it is the University’s expectation that you do not attend if unwell, including having any respiratory or COVID-19 symptoms.

Even if you test negative, follow these recommended steps to protect those around you:

  • avoid visiting sensitive settings such as hospitals and aged care facilities for at least 7 days
  • consider wearing a mask particularly when you are not able to physically distance for 7 days
  • let fresh air into your home or other indoor spaces by opening windows, where possible
  • monitor for symptoms like a runny nose, sore throat, cough, or fever/chills, and stay home and test if they present

Absence from University: Staff


  • If you are unable to attend your on campus scheduled classes, you can access class resources including recordings that are available, in Moodle.
  • If you are unable to attempt or submit your assessments due to illness, you can apply for a short extension of two calendar days without the need for supporting documentation. For longer extensions you can apply for special consideration and provide a medical certificate.
  • If you are unable to sit your scheduled final assessment, (either on campus or online) due to an illness, you can apply to defer your exam.

Further information

Last updated 18 Jun 2024 11:08am

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