Submission of thesis
The award should be taken up immediately if the thesis has already been submitted when the offer is made.
In the event that exceptional circumstances cause a delay of the anticipated submission, awardees may seek a short-term extension provided the case for delay is adequately documented and confirmed in writing by the supervisor and head of school
Expectations of awardees
Two manuscripts must be submitted under the Faculty of Science Postgraduate Publications Award scheme.
Restriction on concurrent holding of award with other award
An award cannot be held concurrently with another award offering similar benefits.
Variations to the award
Any variations to the holding of the award must be consistent with the eligibility criteria for the original submission. No extensions will be granted that would shift the thesis submission date into the eligibility interval of a subsequent selection round.
Employment and time requirements
The awardee must be physically present to accept the award, to attend the relevant school or centre on a daily basis, and to maintain regular communication with the nominated supervisor(s) during the tenure of the award.
An awardee cannot take either full-time or substantial part-time employment during the tenure of the award (that is, not more than 15 hours a week of employment and not more than six hours during the period 9 am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday).
Part-time awards
Part-time awards may be awarded.
Awardees with overseas student visas
Please note that ESOS requirements state that should the thesis examination be finalised during the tenure of the award and the student completes their course early (4 weeks or more before their confirmation of Enrolment [CoE] end date), they must be reported to the Department of Immigration and Border Security for early completion. The thesis examination is deemed to be finalised on the date when the Graduate Research Committee approved the award of the degree. Students with questions about the visa implications of holding a PPA following the finalisation of their thesis examination are strongly encouraged to seek advice from the Department of Immigration and Border Security, with contact details available Department of Immigration and Border Protection.
Termination of award
The thesis examination is deemed to be finalised on the date when the award of degree is approved and the award will be terminated on that date.
Completion of the Final Report
Awardees must complete and submit a 'Final Report' at the end of the award period to the Faculty of Science office. The form to be used is the Faculty of Science Postgraduate Publication Award Scheme Final Report (DOC, 0.26 MB) form.
Acknowledgment of receipt of Faculty of Science Postgraduate Publication Award
It is expected that students will acknowledge, in their publication(s), support received from the Faculty of Science Postgraduate Publication Award.