Bachelor of Computer Science (C2001)

Congratulations on your offer and welcome to Monash IT!

This page is designed to help you choose what you are going to study in your Bachelor of Computer Science. It will help you make a decision about what units you will enrol in, because enrolling in units is how you formally accept your offer.

Quick Facts

Course title Bachelor of Computer Science
Short title BCompSc
Course code C2001
Credit points 144 credit points
Course duration 3 years full-time, 6 years part-time
Time limit 8 years
Enrolment Information2025  course maps
2025 course maps - Monash College February intake

What next?

Now that you understand your course structure and how credit works it’s time to enrol.

Domestic and International Students
Enrol on WES

Orientation is your opportunity to find out more about Monash IT. You will have the opportunity to learn more about your course, finalise your enrolment, join a student club, attend study workshops to set you up for success and much more. Further information is available on the Orientation website.

Please keep checking your Monash student email account for further information on the Orientation program.