Mentoring at Monash
Browse through our mentoring programs around the University. Use the Search Toolbar on the side to filter results to show only specific disciplines and roles. For best results, search using one option per filter at a time.
Access Monash Mentoring
9 monthsStudent to VCE student
Victoria and e-mentoring
Pairing VCE students with experienced and engaged Monash student mentors.
Alumni to Alumni Mentoring
FlexibleAlumni to Alumni
Open to Monash alumni around the world - anytime, anywhere, for valuable professional development in just one session
Alumni to Student Mentoring
4 monthsAlumni to Student
Global (Monash Alumni) & Australian campuses only (Students)
Pairing final-year students with Monash alumni mentors to help prepare them for industry.
Betty Amsden AO Leadership Program
8 monthsAlumni to Student
All campuses
Pairing Access Monash mentor leaders who show leadership potential and have experienced disadvantage, with alumni mentors.
Business School Industry and Alumni Mentoring
12 weeksIndustry to Student
All campuses
Supporting Business School students to learn strategies for success in their industry.
Empowering Women from Diverse Communities
4 MonthsStaff peer mentoring
For women, including transwomen, from diverse backgrounds to form valuable connections across the University.
Peer Mentoring
12 weeksPeer Mentoring
All campuses
Pairing first-years with senior students at the start of University.
Women in Engineering Mentoring
12 weeksIndustry to Student
Giving women Engineering students the opportunity to foster connections and thrive in their engineering studies and careers.
Women in Technology Mentoring
4 monthsIndustry to Student
Giving women IT students the opportunity to build networks, increase confidence and plan their career.